The role of the intrinsic movement of tissues and organs in osteopathy



The role of the intrinsic movement of tissues and organs in osteopathy


Should we let go of the term visceral mobility as a misleading notion?


L. Katsman
K. Dietzova


After seven years of osteopathic education, when we have primarily concentrated on gaining anatomical and physiological knowledge through the light of the philosophy of osteopathy and how to embody that knowledge in osteopathic techniques, by writing this thesis we take the step to reflect on a question which kept us wondering many times during theoretical and practical lessons: ‘What are the origins of the intrinsic movement in the body and how does osteopathy utilize this phenomenon?’ We chose to examine this question in the view of writings of A. T. Still, as well as in the view of the current scientific research. On one hand, we analyse Still’s texts and extract his views and ideas on the role of motion / movement in his pioneer holistic healing approach. On the other hand, we explore the topic of intrinsic movement in relation to the hierarchical system of the body, looking at how movement manifests itself in different dimensions: atomic, molecular, cellular, leading to tissues and finally organs. As well, we explore the topic in the light of embryological development, as the principles of organization and movement during embryogenesis literally form the organic matter into the human body and the forces behind that formation and their further role in the adult body can be interesting to consider.
The two independent lines of research finally lead us, to our own astonishment, to the same conclusion: the movement has its undoubtable place in understanding the anatomy and physiology, nevertheless behind every movement there is a force, which leaves its imprint on the tissues, whether in form, structure or way of functioning and consequently the quality of its production. Our research brought us to believe that placing the attention on the axis force – tissue quality can be more beneficial to osteopathic examination and treatment rather than to search for direct palpation of intrinsic movement of tissues and/or organs. Based on those realizations we raise back several questions and points to consider, for the future reader, who might pick up one of the threads and continue the research.

Date Created

November 2020



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